Gender: I'm 50% sure it's a boy ;) I had an ultrasound here in China to check on the little bean earlier this week and the doctor said, if he had to take a guess, he'd say girl...but it's really too early to be sure! I have an appointment next Saturday in Hong Kong, so hoping my doctor can tell because the suspense is killing me!
Weight gain: I weighed myself in Thailand and I was 52 kgs or about 115 lbs, so same as last time.
Maternity clothes: Not so much, just wearing looser shirts or dresses since I'm still in the "pudgy" phase where people can't tell if I've eaten too much or if I'm pregnant.
Stretch marks: Nada
Belly button in or out: Starts to poke out mid-day, so annoying!
Sleep: Better! I've been sleeping through the nights blissfully for now, so hopefully it continues.
Best moment this week: Seeing this little one stretch around and kick on the ultrasound. The doctor was so patient and took his time. I felt like I really got to "bond" with the baby.
Worst moment this week: Being pretty sick on Monday with some bug/food poisoning, I did not get out of bed all day.
Miss anything: Beer and tropical alcoholic drinks... I was jealous of all of the drinks on vacation!
Movement: I THINK I felt mini- movements a few nights in a row while laying in bed.
Cravings: Chicken salads, chocolate, oranges, I'm drawn the the sweet and sour foods and treats this pregnancy.
Queasy or sick: Not as much. I did get a bit car sick in Thailand but the past week, I've really started to feel a lot better and am happily drinking iced coffee again...hooray!
Looking forward to: A lazy weekend. Even though we just got back from a trip, I feel exhausted and would really love to relax and watch some spooky movies this weekend.
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